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    昨天 22:58
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    发表于 2012-1-2 11:40:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 龟饲料 于 2012-1-2 11:42 编辑

      This has been a year of tremendous upheavals and remarkable changes. From economic turmoil to the death of several well-known public figures, 2011 has seen the world transformed dramatically. Despite the tough external environment, China’s economy remains a bright spot in the world, with a slowed down pace of growth.

      Here at 21st Century, we’ve combined the analyses of international news agencies, like that of AP, Time magazine and Xinhua, to bring you a list of the year’s top news items.


      Now, as 2011 draws to a close, we can only hope the new year will bring with it greater social stability and the restoration of a strong international economic order.


      1. Economic soft landing


      This year, China officially overtook Japan as the world’s second largest economy.


      Xinhua News Agency said that China remained a much-needed bright spot in the world economy. Economic growth is slowing a little, but it still stayed above the global average.


      Facing a tough and depressing world economic situation, China has maintained a steady but slowed-down growth rate this year.


      A report by Beijing-based Renmin University of China (RUC) forecast that China’s economic growth this year would hit 9.4 percent before slipping to 9.2 percent next year. However, it said that even with that figure, the country still outperforms other major economies and stays in shape.


      The cooling trend reflects China’s efforts to seek an economic soft-landing. The country now puts the emphasis on domestic consumption rather than export gains.


      It’s also trying to strike a balance between curbing inflation and maintaining the economic growth rate.


      This year, China made a good, fresh start on the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015). The plan aims at upgrading China’s growth model and economic structure.



      2 High-speed train


      China’s bullet-train ambitions hit problems in 2011 and ultimately slowed down.


      The country’s latest high-speed railway system suffered several technical breakdowns since it came into service in late June.


      Later, on July 23, one bullet train rear-ended another in a collision near Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, killing 40 people and injuring almost 200. The cause of the accident is still under investigation.


      The tragic accident prompted calls for thorough check-ups on all high-speed rail services. After the crash, Sheng Guangzu, the railway minister, ordered a slowing down of the speed of all bullet trains.


      Several high-speed railway projects scheduled to open this year will be postponed.



      3. Shen Zhou VIII and Tiangong-1

      3. 神八与天宫一号

      In 2011, China moved closer toward the goal of operating a permanent space station.


      On September 29, China launched its first space lab module Tiangong-1, which was unmanned. On November 3, unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou VIII successfully docked with the Tiangong-1 space lab module, after it was launched two days earlier.


      President Hu Jintao described it as a milestone in China’s space program and a remarkable contribution to humanity’s exploration of space. Despite progress made in the country’s space program, President Hu also said that China’s overall level of scientific technologies, especially indigenous innovation capabilities, lagged far behind world-leading standards.



      4 Japanese Earth-quake and Tsunami

      4. 日本大地震引发海啸

      An earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale struck the north-east coast of Japan on March 11 and triggered a massive tsunami that led to the death of almost 16,000 people.


      In addition to this enormous loss of life and the destruction of infrastructure, the tsunami also caused a number of nuclear accidents.


      This included a level 7 meltdown at three reactors in the Fukushima No 1 Nuclear Power Plant complex and saw the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of neighboring residents. According Naoto Kan, the Japanese prime minister at the time, “In the 65 years after the end of World War II, this is the toughest and the most difficult crisis for Japan.”


      In the immediate aftermath, around 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan were left without electricity and 1.5 million without water.


      5 European debt crisis


      This year saw anxiety over rising government debt in Europe escalate into a crisis of global proportions.


      From late 2010 onwards, concerns over Europe’s economic stability had begun to intensify. Greece, Ireland and Portugal had difficulties refinancing their debts. This sent ripples around the world and all major stock exchanges exhibited significant losses.


      Many western countries are seeking China’s pledge to help stimulate the continent’s economy and lift market confidence.


      Some contend that Europe’s financial turmoil can threaten the demand for Chinese exports to the region. However, Chinese economic experts insist China should not blindly buy the euro debt.



      6 The Arab unrest


      2011 saw a wave of demonstrations and protests sweep across the Arab world.


      There have been drastic upheavals in Tunisia and Egypt, a civil war in Libya and protests in Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco and Oman.


      The upheavals have seen the departure of political strongmen such as Tunisia’s Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh.


      Muammar Gadhafi, the former leader of Libya, was killed. Meanwhile, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is still struggling to remain in power amid domestic discontent and foreign pressure.


      These grassroots movements have differed from previous protests in that religion has not been a driving force.



      7 Death of Kim Jong-il


      Kim Jong-il, leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) passed away on December 17.


      According to a report by the DPRK’s official KCNA news agency, the 69-year-old died of a heart attack on a train due to “great mental and physical strain” during a “high intensity field inspection”.


      China on December 19 sent its condolences on the death of Kim, noting that the late DPRK leader had carried on and further developed the traditional friendship between China and the DPRK.


      Observers maintain that the death will not result in turbulence in the DPRK. The KCNA news agency said the country, people and military “should remain loyal to the guidance of respected Kim Jong-un”.



      8 Death of Osama bin Laden and the end of the Iraq War


      On December 18, the US military officially ended its war in Iraq nearly nine years after the invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein. In a conflict that has seen almost 4,500 US soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis lose their lives, this year has thus seen the end of the most unpopular US military venture since Vietnam.


      Prior to the withdrawal of troops, US anti-terrorist efforts had already sustained a victory following the death of Osama bin Laden.


      In May, bin Laden, was killed by a US special forces. Believed to have ordered the attacks on the US on September 11 2001, bin Laden’s death came as a defining moment in the American-led “war against terrorism”.



      9 Party`s anniversary


      The year of 2011 celebrated the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).


      On July 1, Party General Secretary Hu Jintao delivered a formal speech at a rally to mark the special occasion. He summarized the Chinese people’s achievements of the past 90 years, under the leadership of the CPC.


      The catchphrase of the speech was the word “people”, which was repeated 136 times. This highlighted the principle of “putting people first”.


      “We will never forget that the people are the real heroes,” he said. He urged all Party members to “maintain close ties with the people”, and warned that alienation from the people posed the greatest risk to the Party.


      Hu also stated that more talented young members will be recruited into the Party. He stressed that talent is the most important resource and a strategic resource for a country’s development. “They (young members) represent the future and hope of the Party,” he said.



      10.South China Sea disputes


      Territorial disputes between China and some of its neighbors over the South China Sea have intensified in the past few months.


      In July 2011, relevant parties reached an agreement on the guidelines of implementation of the DOC (The Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea), vowing to cooperate in maritime protection, search and rescue, as well as transnational crime busting.


      But in November, the US and the Philippines signed a declaration calling for multilateral talks to resolve maritime territorial disputes.


      On several occasions in 2011, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao re-affirmed China’s commitment to peaceful resolutions of the various disputes.


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